As our North American group continues to grow and flourish they have offered noted author and sailing videographer Roger Barnes, President of the Dinghy Cruising Association, an opportunity to visit the United States. 

Roger will be teaching a class at the Wooden Boat School from 6 - 12 July, and speaking at the Wooden Boat Show in Mystic, Connecticut, 27 - 29 June. He will also be sailing with the New England DCA Chapter throughout his visit.

They hope to have a Dinghy Cruising Association booth at the Wooden Boat Show where you can meet Roger, talk about small boats and have a good time. If you bring a copy of his book, The Dinghy Cruising Companion, he will be more than happy to sign it. 

To facilitate these plans the NA Regional Group has raised funds to help underwrite some of the costs associated with Roger's trip. Thanks to many generous donations they are able to help cover his airfare, lodging, car rental (if needed) and the cost of renting an information booth during the Wooden Boat Show.   Any unused funds will go to the Dinghy Cruising Association for future activities. If for some reason Roger is unable to come to the US, donations will be returned to donors as per GoFundMe policies and procedures.

The DCA is an unincorporated association whose purpose is to promote the activity of dinghy cruising.
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